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runesong54's Guestbook

denizzo_istMay 11, 2010

Hi \:D Thank you so much for your nice comments \:wub\: I'm glad you like them \:wub\: Have a nice day \:D

martoeleMay 8, 2010

Hi runesong54! Thank you for commenting on my story THT-Travelling. I'm pleased that you enjoy it. Jeah... Val should be more independant. Let's see if something big can form his character. \:\)

madaya74May 6, 2010

Hey runesong \:\) Sorry for my late reply. Thank you so much for you comment on my windows, guestbookentry and bookmarking me. \:wub\: I'm really glad about it. All my creations are TSRAA so feel free to use them. Thank you! \:\)

fredbrennyMay 5, 2010

I am still visiting \:D Flying back on Friday! Barb is in the Dallas area!

fredbrennyMay 5, 2010

Hi! I just read your entry in my guestbook. I know... that's very late... but I am not home for a whole week as I am visiting my Sims friend Spitzmagic (Barb) in Texas! We never met so it was quite an adventure. I has been wonderful sofar, we are having a blast. I am very curious who won the flip the house competition! Right now I am trying to check in on my flight back home. There are only 2 seats left for me to choose from , like 36E en 38E Both somewhere squished in the middle on this nice Boeing 777. I think I will just wait checking in, and see if there are enough no-shows so I can get a better seat.\:eek\: \:D Talk to you later! I will check out the forum now to see what is happening with the competition. Is there a winner announced yet?

FlovvMay 5, 2010

I'm happy you like my pattern. \:\) Thank you. \:\)

JuliaCatMay 3, 2010

 Thanks for the good comment to Pattern Brilliant fabric! \:D 

GalloandreMay 2, 2010

Hello! She sure is! \:\) I like that I caught her expression just right.

duckeggpieMay 1, 2010

Thank you so much for taking the time to write such lovely comment!! You are's always nice to hear that people like my creations \:D Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

KrissApr 30, 2010

Hi Morrighan! Your house looks lovely. It's not only SO Key West but also very much Swedish. It would look great in one of the smaller coastal towns or villages here in Sweden. \:D It's fascinating to see the similarity between two countries that are so far apart. I hope you have a great weekend! \:D

QubeDesignApr 30, 2010

hi there, thank you for your nice comment on my mini-site.  i hope you're enjoying everything that TSR has to offer!

Blackest_digital_artistApr 29, 2010

Hello. Thank you for the nice compliment on my GB. And sorry this took me a while to reply. I haven't login here for quite a some time. I love the house you've created and especially appreciated that you want to include my creations. Thank you so much. I'm wishing you a great weekend full of fun and happiness. \:D

sosliliomApr 28, 2010

Hello\:\)I'm glad You like my shoes\:wub\:Thank You very much for Your kind words ~ Lili

flody888Apr 28, 2010

Hi runesong54. \:\) So far all my Sims 3 babies eat their food without a complaint. (Even with mushed hotdogs or whatever on the menu) I hope the next baby I make throws his/her food with disgust. Have yet to see that yet and think it would be funny! Thank you for commenting on my screenshot!

cashcraftApr 26, 2010

Hello, thanks for your fantastic comment and compliment on my creations! I hope you enjoy Vanity Fair Part V! Carolyn \:D

Peachybitz1Apr 26, 2010

I totally agree with you \:\) They really made an effort with the sky and the effects \:\) and I love taking pics of them \;\) Thank You for commenting \:\)

KrissApr 26, 2010

Hi Morrighan, Life can be cruel sometimes, lol. I noticed your comments about uploading a house with my windows so for a while I felt like telling you to wait for the doors. Since I wasn't sure about when they would be submitted I then thought it would be unfair to keep you waiting. I don't know how many times I have thougth they were ready only to find something that needed fixing. \:rolleyes:... Anyway, I am glad you like them and I look forward to seeing what you will come up with. \:D Have a great day!  

libertyApr 26, 2010

Hey Thank you for the message you left on my GB I'm glad you like the lots... and hope you'll enjoy them in your game. Thanks for bookmarking me... It's indeed hard to keep track of all the CC most of the time before I submit I've to look it up on the site... I hope I'll be able to submit some lots soon again, I'm out of the country till november for work, and it's difficult to work on something.... In november there will be definitly some new lots coming up. Have a great week Mike

djehmliApr 25, 2010

Thank you so much for the comment on the quilt pattern.  Hope you enjoy \:\)

PralinesimsApr 25, 2010

Thank you again for your lovely guestbook entry\:\) you are so nice to me \:\) it makes me really happy to hear that you like my stuff! i wish you a amazing day bye bye see you xoxo \:rah\:\:rah\:     

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