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s00z's Blog

Pausing For Breath

Well, I'm finally getting to the end of the backlog of designs I had prepared for the Sims 3 and am starting to work on new stuff as well as going back through previous submissions improving the entries for them. It has been a bit of a production line this last 2 months... I have felt just driven to get to this point.

Everything I create I do so for the fun of it and to use in the game myself. I'm just an amateur who enjoys sharing. I have tried really hard to get my work up to the select artist standard because I don't want to be flooding the database with rubbish, but I don't appear to be able to tap in to whatever the requirements are for that. I'm not sure if it is my taste or the actual quality of my work. Regardless of what TSR think of my contributions though as long people keep downloading and thanking and commenting that keeps me motivated to share, and I will keep trying to improve my work and it's presentation.

Thanks again to all who download and especially those who take the time comment. It's a pleasure to share with such an appreciative and friendly community.



I'm branching out at last in to objects... starting with bedding because it is nice and easy.

I wish I could figure out how to get some decent textures, but I think my seeds bedding set to match the wallpapers and carpets I did doesn't look too bad for a first attempt.

Seeds Tiles

Carrying on with the Seeds theme I have made my favourite tile set yet in the full range of colours. The previews will look a bit squashed because I have made them that way so the tiles appear perfect square in the game.

Seeds Sets

The Seeds and Seeds + wallpaper sets have been so popular I have expanded them in to a whole new much larger range of colours as well as producing a coordinating carpet set for all of them.

I've also got a few more tile sets to upload.

Happy New Year!

Well, I've had a bit of a rest and I've a whole load of new ideas. I'm sort of hoping I'll stop thinking of things I want to do soon... I want my life back!

Anyway, I hope you like them... it's mostly wallpaper of various sorts rather than tiles.

Merry Christmas!

Well, I think it's time I took a break. I have finally cleared my backlog of creations to upload and have for now run out of ideas.

Thanks to everyone who has left thanks and comments over the last few weeks. It's been really great to have the feedback.

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year!


Just when I thought I'd got tiles out of my system I think of more designs I simply have to do... some really pretty colours, mostly plain tiles but with beautiful patterned inserts. I think they look ace in the game. Should be up by the weekend.

Working on wallpapers the last few days has inspired me to have a go at carpets too. Should have some up by the weekend.

Uploading creations can be a tedious process.

I think I may have exhausted the possibilties with tiles. I will clear the backlog I have waiting to be uploaded and then may look at wallpaper again... I have found some great patterns that could look great.

I've been working on several new tile sets this weekend. In particular I am working on a plaid pattern which looks like it should come out quite well. I also had several projects that I had finished with but didn't think were good enough that I have been re-working, many of which are based on the more complex repeating patterns.

Latest Headlines

Pausing For Breath Bedding Seeds Tiles Seeds Sets Happy New Year! Merry Christmas!
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