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shadow66's Guestbook

hiedibear75May 8, 2010

PS:  Does this mean I get to leave big fuzzy bear hugs & wet dolphin kisses again? \:ph34r\: \:wub\:

hiedibear75May 8, 2010

Well duh you should have been used to all their demands from TS2! \:P LOL  I might peek in from time to time to see what you've been up to. \:D  But sorry......I'm still NOT interested even in the slightest to switch to TS3. \;\)  I'm sure everyone who switched from TS2 to TS3 will be happy to see return. \:cool\:  Take care. \:wub\:

hiedibear75May 7, 2010

So I've HERD you were nosing around TSR again. \:cool\:  I say welcome back......even if it with TS 3 ! \:P LOL

mitraton73May 1, 2010

Thank you !

mitraton73Apr 22, 2010

You is one great artist !

mitraton73Apr 22, 2010

Prego !

souleraserDec 9, 2009

I've already downloaded their cars XD but I was thinking of creating truck using margaret vanguester as a base for speed, since I don't know how to modify that kind of attributes.

souleraserDec 2, 2009

I was thinking about how to modify the shape of a vehicle. and don worry, any help is well welcomed.

WickedMayesJuggaletteNov 26, 2009

Thanks for helping me out, I'm kind of worried about TS3, I hear a lot of problems with it. Also, I don't really like the way they look, I think they look pretty ugly and cartoony...\:puke\: They can't change that, but I guess I'll have to deal with it. I heard you actually get to pick their hobbies this time? I'm so excited about that, I couldn't stand all of my sims (on freetime) ALWAYS liked Music and Dance. I was so tired of it.. I wanted more sims to like gardening but hardly any of them did, and I was always trying to mess with the zodiac sign to make sure they liked what I wanted them to. I really like the look about chaning tones of skin and clothes without worrying about downloading a million different skin tones. Thank goodiness! It all seems like a lot of fun, but I hope they address the problems you were talking about. Social was always a drag for me. I can't wait for a seasons version, as well as a pets version for TS3. Of course, I can't wait to get the base game either. haha. Well, have a happy Turkey Day, if you're not in USA then have a great random thursday! -Trish

souleraserNov 22, 2009

thanks for signing my gb. i wanted to know if you could help me out in how to modify an object with tsr workshop. keep up the good work

LaurieRNov 21, 2009

Ok. So where are the rest? I came here just for YOU!! I am feeling impatient again! Love them! Can't wait for more!

WickedMayesJuggaletteNov 17, 2009

Hi! I saw you talking about the sims 3, that it's annoying for the social? I want to get TS3, but it will be a while before I manage to get a proper system for it. Social problems? I heard they're making the bladder and hunger thing die down a bit, but I actually liked it because it was more realistic. I did hate the social thing. I can't believe they took out toddler/child interaction?? That's terrible! \:mad\:Oh, well. Maybe they'll fix it in a patch or something. But thanks for all your wonderful creations, I love them!

adowneyNov 15, 2009

Your welcome Shadow, thanks for stopping by and signing my guest book.  I love your work and can't seem to get enough of your stuff.  I will be checking out all of your pictures, you have bunches to choose from.  Thanks again for what your doing to make our sims a little more comfy.. have fun!!

welshminxNov 13, 2009

once again\:Dthanks for signing my gb!\;\)love the items you do keep up all the great and hard work.......\:rah\:

welshminxNov 4, 2009

Hi there thanks for signing my gb glad to hear that you've got more on the way!!!\:Dthank you for sharing\:wub\:

amethystfaerieOct 31, 2009

your welcome very much.Happy Haloween!!\:rah\:

hiedibear75Oct 30, 2009

AWW MAAAAAN!!! \:mad\:  You suck! :P  Well no YOU don't.......just TS3 for taking you AND your talented hoofs out of our little TS2 pasture. \:\(  MOOO-ving on to "greener pastures" so I see. \;\)  And the pix looked so darling when I saw them through the CleanPak installer. \:confused\:  I was quite disapointed when they didn't actually show up IN the game. \:\(  I won't have to worry about putting you out of a job with my walls now though. \:P LOL  But as to whether people still enjoy playing with the things you made for TS2.......DUH! \;\)  Of course people are still enjoying shadow66 creations even after all this time! \:rah\:  You're MOO-mazing! \:wub\:  Well have fun making TS3 prettier (NO I'm still NOT switching camps.......TS2 ALL the way \:wub\: ) & bashing poor little defensless cartoon groundhogs on the head. \:cool\:  TTFN & TC <3 \:wub\:

squeakersOct 11, 2009

\:wub\: Hi Shadow!!!!! It is soooo wonderful to hear from you again!!!! You really made my day!!!!!\:D I'm enjoying your work like crazy, and have been using alot of your stuff in my uploads to TSR, everything you do looks so wonderful and pretty in my game, and I've been hoping like crazy that you will be doing more stuff soon, I miss seeing new creations from you, and am having a blast going through your older creations, my hard drive is threatening to quit and run away, as I keep downloading stuff from my favorite artists, you being one of them!!!!! You have such a fantastic gift, and are so talented, I hope you do make some more wonderful things!!!!! TC and I hope you have a great day!!!!!\:wub\:

hiedibear75Oct 9, 2009

Yes busy bashing poor innocent gophers on the head in wordwhomp no doubt. \;\)  LOL :P  Yeah it helps keep my mind distracted. \:D  I'm going to try my hand at making walls. \:cool\:  I hope it works. \:confused\:  Keeping busy helps me keep my mind busy & then I pay less attention to the owies & ucky belly. \:\)  Oh & my MP3......LOVE blasting some metal when I'm owies. \:ph34r\:  And of course I'm still enjoying your things after all this're good & quality doesn't fade. \:\)  Well take care & thanks for visiting Sim-Land. \:wub\:

hiedibear75Sep 4, 2009

Gues what? Gues what?!?!?!?  I get to have cc again!!! \:rah\:  So of course I had to make my way to your barn. \;\)  I'm having loads of fun with all the pretty stuff. \:cool\:  Thanks again. \:wub\:

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