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estatica's Blog

The meshing adventure continues

I finally finished my office set, but I'm still waiting for the testing results, so I don't crash anyone's game. Anyway, here's a sneak peak!

Also, I just created my first fence today, and finished a lot quicker thanks to MsBarrows and sim_man123 tips. :D

I'll probably work on it a bit more, but for now, I'm quite proud of my first attempt :D

Thanks! :)

I feel like a kid allowed to hang out with the big guys, so instead of a proper speech about how wonderful it is to become FA, I'll just jump up and down all over the place and hope not to break anything!

*jumps up and down*

Thanks guys!


p.s. I'll be away for the weekend, so I hope you have a nice one :)

Back from another dimension

My laptop is back, my world makes sense again! :D

p.s. and that means I can create again too! YAY!

A german tutorial on stairs

I don't write or speak German, but someone was kind enough to tell me that there is a new German tutorial explaining how I created the modular stairs for the Ballet Acad�mie.

Much as I am flattered that they picked my lot as a reference for that tutorial, I would like to point out that I first learned to make these modular stairs by reading Tiko's tutorial, right here at TSR.

If you have any other doubts, just PM me and I will try to help out the best I can. I'm having trouble replying to the comments on my stuff, but I will reply to them all eventually!

Meanwhile, while my laptop is down for repair, I'm unable to play the game. I'm messing around in Wings 3D and UVMapper to overcome this growing frustration, but sometimes it's just not enough :(

A 2 week nightmare

My always faithful, gorgeous laptop failed me yesterday and I had to take him to the store to fix his issues with the monitor.

I know he'll come back all shiny and in perfect shape, but I'll miss him in these next few weeks.

Meanwhile, I won't be able to play the sims, or create anything, for that matter because I could only play it in that laptop. I still have access to the internet in this old computer, so feel free to contact me if you need anything. :)


A great site and the next lot

Real life has been quite demanding these days and I ended up catching a cold because I wasn't taking care of myself properly. The good thing about it is that I got to spend this weekend in bed and catch up with everything going on in the community.

The first thing worth mentioning is this great site called Seriously Amused Sims. It has plenty of great lots and cool custom content, so make sure you drop by and pay those talented folks a visit!

Lately I've been quiet, but now I have something new to show. I got this request the other day to build something that matched my other lots on a 5x3 lot. It had to be romantic, symmetrical and with a street in the middle. I usually just make small stuff, but this was too much fun to pass, so I decided to give it a try!

It didn't turn out the be symmetrical, as I seem to have an aversion to that sort of thing, but I think it looks romantic just the same and the main street is still there! :D

Anyway, I still don't know if I'm going to furnish it or not, but I'm planning to publish it at TSR some day during this week. :)

Chocolate addiction and meshing

Life is unfair and that's the only explanation for being addicted to chocolate and allergic to it at the same time. After two weeks without a single bar, I'm starting to experience withdrawal symptoms (as should be expected), so I decided to get over this by reading AnoeskaB's meshing instructions for beginners and make something related to my addiction.

Luckily for me, the talented, wonderful Spaik helped me in the process and gave me great tips. I guess this is one of the more reasons why I like TSR so much :D

Good news and bad news

Hi everyone, I'm back from my vacation in Spain! I had a lovely time there and I'm still adjusting to the hard life here.

The good news is that now I'm overloaded with work, which is something I didn't think possible a few weeks ago and represents something really good in my life. Also, I read the news that TSR improved their filters (YAY!), so I took the opportunity to update my lots so they are now easier for you to find.

The bad news is that now I have a very limited time to create for the Sims and I'm having trouble keeping track with all the good stuff going on in this community. I feel bad for not responding to all your great comments or reading all the stories, but I will get to them all eventually!

Happy simming guys! :)

Easter Vacation

This year I'm taking a few days to visit Spain, and I don't intend to bring the laptop with me, so I'll be quiet for a few days. Some of my lots will be published next week, so if you have any questions just send me a PM and I'll make sure to give you an answer after I get back.

Happy Easter everyone! :)


I don't know who you are

...but I wanted to say thank you to all of you who have bookmarked so far. Your support, even if somewhat invisible because I can only see it in my kudos score, is really encouraging and it makes me want to give my best to this community. Thanks guys and happy simming! :)

Latest Headlines

The meshing adventure continues Thanks! :) Back from another dimension A german tutorial on stairs A 2 week nightmare A great site and the next lot Chocolate addiction and meshing Good news and bad news Easter Vacation I don't know who you are
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