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francien's Guestbook

PralinesimsJan 27, 2011

Hey!\:D Thank you so much for the awsome comments!!\:wub\:\:wub\: We really appreciate them all!\:wub\:\:rah\:\:wub\: We wish you a nice weekend and a beautiful day!! \:wub\:\:D Happy simmin\:rah\:\:rah\:´ ♥Take care *-*♥

HadewychJan 26, 2011

\:D Just read your reply in my guestbook - that's indeed the most attractive bit of the Sims for me: building the houses you would like to live in yourself but can't because of that annoying thing called money.  They really should find a way to use 'motherlode' in real life too \:D Still 2 days to wait before I can go and snoop around on McPherson's farm *sigh* \;\)

ziggy28Jan 25, 2011

\:D No problem, I think your new farm is wonderful\:wub\: All the time and effort you put in deserves to be recognised\:rah\: TC Lorraine\:wub\:

ayyuffJan 24, 2011

Hi,Many many thanks for your lovely comments \:\) You are so kind \:wub\: Have an amazing day!

deeiutzaJan 20, 2011

Hi!Thank you so much for the comment you left on my 'contemporary living room'!\:wub\:

CyclonesueJan 9, 2011

Oh Francien - I'm so sorry to hear about you losing a dear friend - as well as having the flu!  That is not a great start to 2011.  My start has not been great either, with more troubles to come but one day it will be done.  Like you, I poke about at Facebook or other nonsense bits on the internet when like this.  Just take your time and do what makes you feel happiest.  Lots of love and dikke kus \:wub\: Sue

HadewychJan 9, 2011

Still grumpy as my Sims are still inactive \:mad\: - that's why I only now had a quick look at my TSR account :P   Thanks for the New Year wishes though - and all the best for you too \:D \:wub\:

murfeelJan 7, 2011

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! \:wub\: I hope you and yours had a blessed holiday season, filled with happiness and joy and much much more! \:rah\:

terriecasonJan 3, 2011

Thank you so much, francien for the holiday cheer. I wasn't able to read it until today but I would like to wish you a very wonderful and safe New Year!\:D

TagonnaJan 2, 2011

Thank you, thank you so much for your greetings!\:D Happy New Year! 

alolengJan 1, 2011

Sorry for the late greetings! Happy Holidays and may you and your family have a glorious 2011 \:wub\:

luckyoyoJan 1, 2011

Hi, Wishing you a very happy and healthy 2011!! \:wub\: Dee xx

sara_ashleyDec 31, 2010

Hey Francien,  i just love all yours creations and i wish for you and your family a wonderful HAPPY NEW YEAR and wishing the best for you on 2011 =) take care too !!!  many hugs, *Sara*

haiduongDec 31, 2010

Wishing a wonderful New Year full of love and joy with your family. \:wub\: And also, happy simming \;\)!!! \:D - Hai Duong

Annie ZeliaDec 30, 2010

Sorry for the late reply! \:o Thank you so much for your warm wishes.\:wub\:  May all your holidays be happy and may you have a year blessed with joy, love and abundance. Most of all, I wish you health... So you may enjoy each day in comfort.\:wub\:

TugmeLDec 29, 2010

I wish for you and yours a new year of happiness in a world of peace. Have a great holiday season and a **Happy New Year** \:wub\:  -Meltem-

ayyuffDec 29, 2010

Thank you so much \:\) Gelukkig nieuwjaar \:wub\:

simsjeanieDec 28, 2010

Dear francien, no x-mas cookies left to bring them to you, they're all gone ... but I brought a Latte Macchiato to go. I had to laugh out loud when I read your answer - redecorating a room in rl is such an awful work to do. What a lot of dirt and bruises till you're done with it - wouldn't it be nice if you could wave a wand and have it done as easily as in the sims' homes? I had a wonderful Christmas - lazy and cosy and hanging around with family and friends. It was perfect! I hope your guests enjoyed the new chairs! At my tiny home sometimes it's necessary that two people share just a chair made for one person. The room with the x-mas tree is just too small to get more chairs in. I'm looking forward to do a huge clean up in my study - have to throw away lots of old papers and paper and a lot of those things that were always thrown in this room because it's the only room in the house hidden from other eyes but mine. I'm dreaming of a nearly empty room with nothing but tidy bookshelves and my desk. The whole January is dedicated to this work. At the end I'll have a lovely wallpaper and then it will be a nice room - or so I hope. But the last days of December are mine - no work I don't like. Have a great day! Lots of hugs and kisses from Jeanie. \:wub\:

simmothyDec 28, 2010

Hi! Happy Holidays to you and family. And have a safe and Happy New year\:D

mensureDec 27, 2010

*** Wishing you a New Year filled with new hope, new joy and new beginnings... ***

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