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hatshepsut's Guestbook

cadivaFeb 27, 2010

Hi Hats, it's a shame but I can't see him being allowed to keep it. He should apply for planning permission and see if they'd let him build it then seeing as how they keep saying he should have had permission. Bet they still say no though the miserable gits.

francienFeb 27, 2010

O I have searched and found the story! it's a shame I just read that he had to knock it down but Fidler said he won't do that they will go to the higher court..I now want to know how this will end hope for him and his family he can safe his house even he build it on a illegal way the house is just beautiful..sometimes I doesn't understand the people who has the authority's to decide what can and what not\:\(

francienFeb 27, 2010

Hi there Hats, OOO I'm happy you liked what I did how I do it..actually I have no idea \:DI find it a bit the same as painting or drawing wich I also do in real..gardening and painting the ground to make it more realistic is what I enjoy to try starting in sims 2..I'm happy with good grounpaints! About Fiddler's Castle I didn't know the house has a story behind it, I must say that it makes the house even more interesting!! You make me curious haha I gone google it, and how naughty is naughty ah I hope the house is still standing in all his glory, I find it beautiful think it would be stupid to knock it down even I don't know the reason haha. Love your simsversion in all ways! Hope you have a wonderful weekend I'm fire up the game and try to finish the lot with the waterfall\:D \:wub\:

padreFeb 27, 2010

Hi!! It's great to be back. So far. I hope to learn how to mesh again. However it does mean installing sims3. Still not entirely sure about it. But a whirl I shall give it. How are you, dahlink? Kitties are fine. Not allowed out at all, so a little mad. But that's kinda nice. Like father like kitties. Speak soon, yea? xx

francienFeb 26, 2010

Good morning Hats, just put two screenies up for you, thought you would like to see my watervall I put it under yard and gardentheme..you have to know its' my first try but I think it's really nice..what I like is the shine or reflection of the water so it's not only a striped paint.. I do so like your house Fidler's Castle, it's a house with suprizes! the backside is amazing different from what you expecting when you see the front!! that is for me wonderful work!! a big wow!\:wub\:  And your gardener\:P , must give him a compliment as well he/she is doing great work  \:D have a great day and a even more greater weekend\:wub\:

MaxiboyFeb 22, 2010

Thanks! \:\) I'm getting there with my kudos points!

squeakersFeb 19, 2010

\:wub\: Hi Hats!!! Thank you again for your amazing lots, yes I have quite a collection now of your lots, but soon I will have to get them again!\;\) My beloved husband decided to order me a laptop, so that I may sim in more comfort and ease, there are so many days when the owies are too much, so I'm not on much, so he is hoping this will help me! The laptop is for our 15th wedding anniversary, and I couldn't think of a better present!!!!!I can't wait for it to get here, I have been wanting one for many years, and I'm so excited!!!! Of course our pc is very happy, as the hard drive really hates me, because I'm such a download nut!!!!!\:D  Thank you again for sharing your amazing talent and hard work, I really appreciate everything you do!!!!! TC, and have a wonderful day!!!!!\:wub\:

Vanilla SimFeb 15, 2010

♥ Hope you had a ♥ Happy Valentine’s Day ♥

foxysimsFeb 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day \:wub\: ! - FoxySims

DOTFeb 14, 2010

Happy ~ ♥ ~ Day!

dgandyFeb 5, 2010

Hi Hats! Thank you for the compliment on my Exterior Shutters. \:wub\: Now, where's my chocolate? LOL

fredbrennyFeb 5, 2010

Hi Hatshepsut! Thanks for congratulating me on becoming a SA! I was really surprised, but of course I'm wearing that silver badge with great honour! \:D

6akalaka1Feb 3, 2010

You make wonderful stuff! Thank you!

eviFeb 2, 2010

\:eek\: I hope Mog did not get a stomach acke!\:\)

eviFeb 1, 2010

Happy Birthday dearest Hats! Hope you have a wonderful day\:wub\:

OCIKITTENJan 30, 2010

Thanks so much for your wonderful houses and terrain paint. 

dgandyJan 30, 2010

Thank you Sweetie! You are very welcome. I'm so glad you like them as I had a lot of fun making them. \:wub\:

francienJan 29, 2010

O you will see how easy it will become after doing a few gardens \:rah\:wishing you a super~great weekend \:wub\:

simsjeanieJan 21, 2010

Because of your amazing Dogweed Lane old / new (That's something I love doing for my sims, too!) I came to your site to have look. And I came across your screenshots. I'd expected to find beautiful views. But then I sat here with my cup of coffee and had a lot of fun with your amusing shots down to sims 2. Beginning the day with laughing is really a perfect beginning. Thanks a lot for this! \:wub\:

dgandyJan 17, 2010

Hi Sweets! Thank you for the nice comment on my Quarter Round WIndow. \:wub\:

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