prin6je (735579)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (250 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

'Rage' living room set
Published May 15, 2007
About Me
I was 27, from Holland, and I lived together with my husband and my dwarf hamster. I've been playing The Sims since Vacation came out, I think, and have been enjoying it on and off ever since The biggest kick I got out of making new stuff - I loved that moment when I boot up the game to see how a project turned out
In Juli 2007 I found it I had Leukemia - again. On April 3rd 2008 I passed away.
(Updated by husband on April 4th 2008)
My Latest Updates Show All
AirWritten Jun 18, 2007
Due to a particularly nasty sinus infection I haven't been around for a while, but I'm breathing through my nose again and I'm all ready to make new things :) ...More
BedWritten May 19, 2007
I really like retro and contemporary furniture, but for my new set I wanted something more traditional. It's going to be a bedroom set, so here's a preview of the double bed: Of course, as I am not nearly done with it yet, it could end up as something completely different :) I am looking forward to making an armoire - I have never made something animated, so that will be a first! I really... ...More
WoodWritten Apr 12, 2007
I love wooden furniture - and apparently, so do you :) These are the results of my last poll; the question was: "Which material do you prefer in furniture?" Wood 49.79% (117) Metal 7.23% (17) Plastic 1.7% (4) Fabric 16.17% (38) Glass 18.72% (44) Stone 4.26% (10) Other 2.13% (5) Thank you all for voting! My next set, 'Opus', is made of wood, and I hope... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
jes sale Aug 25, 2015
thank you
PralinesimsApr 24, 2011
Happy Easter!
aletsFeb 02, 2011
I love your stuff. Your talent is something to talke about and remember. Thank you for it. I want to think that the short input on your life is not entirely true. I mean the part of leukemia and the rest...I just hope that you are still around. I will definitly miss your talent and I hate to think that your life was cut short.