3litz996 (3181622)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

The Downtown Plaza (bigger +...
Published Jun 11, 2010
About Me
Hello!!! I am Shane, I live in the emereld isle, yes u guessd it, Ireland. I love the sims 3, played the sims 2 pets and sims 1 but sims 3 is much better =)
I have neurosis, OCD and I am Bipolar, yes they are personality disorders but dont be scared =P Look it up on wiki if u want to know what they means =D
Yes I am "the" creater of WTC and Mirabello Plaza, but new lots will be up, but not anytime soon as I am currently trying to add 140 lots to a custom world Fairview. But u never know I might have them up soon =)
But unfortuantly I encounterd The "Blue Lot" issue so I might have to start a new game, but I just think I will download a custom world (w/all lots) Insted cause I miss playing it normally =P
I like the eurovision but that is a different subject. I am living with my family, that's cause I am 13.
I do have a YouTube account, I have 3 videos (more coming soon) and they are "Sims 3 Towers", "WTC Tribute" and "Sims 3: Dynamic Renovation"!!
http://www.youtube.com/user/3litz4eva here is my YouTube link =)
Happy Simming =P
My Guestbook Show All
PralinesimsDec 19, 2010
****We wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS ♥ and a gorgeous day!!*****
°°°°Happy simming!°°°°
*Hugs and Kisses*
missyzimSep 13, 2010
Hi Shane, I'm almost done with the Malton. I have an updated picture in my gallery if you would like to see it. Take care, Missy
missyzimAug 09, 2010
Hi Shane Everythings going good. Still working on the Malton, still busy! LOL How did your contest on youtube go?