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DragonQueen's Guestbook

hiedibear75Oct 17, 2009

Yes it does take a lot of picture taking and a lot of time.  But then again that is part of why you get so many kudos for them being published.  It's warm-ish but I'm feeling something alright.  I usually can stay up in my chair for about 4-8 hrs between having to go lay down......but lately I'm only managing 1-3 & then I have to go wheel my can on back to bed.  So generally when I start feeling like THIS.....means somethin is in the neighborhood.  Odd thing is thogh is that it is warm but then the breeze has a certain crispness to it.  Oh & as far as stories go; hope you understand if I don't end up reading it.....I've had to be pretty heavily medicated so as not to get into that owie/barf cycle.  So the things I'm doing can be done in a matter of a few hrs OR can be done in segments.  Oh & if I might make a suggestion & that is that at MTS they have a bunch of hacks for story writers some paintings & pose boxes that MAKE your sims do things + a global mod that makes buy/build mod enabled on community lots(it wont apply to hotels but I have BV & this hack & it does NOT crash my game) which allows you to change things around when you are on community lots.  Oh & a lot of story writers like to use "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" fallowed by"plumbbobtoggle off" <----that last one makes the diamonds go away...when you want it back "plumbbobtoggle on" & they will show up again.  ALL boolprop commands reset once you turn your game off.  Another few that are good so as to make placement more realistic. "moveobjects on" makes things placeable anywhere but turn off before you place windows/doors/arches everything is OK. "boolprop snapobjectstogrid false" gives you free reign on where to put things.  To make back to normal...."boolprop snapobjectstogrid true"  & "moveobjects off"  Oh & IF you have Uni you can also use "boolprop allow45degreeangleofrotation true" this allows you to place things at angles......so say a chair for example would instead of the usual 4 directions to face you would have 8 to choose from.  OBKB I'm turning into a zombie......ahhh......Rx night night.  Very few ways I know of to deal with this puch pain & good Rx comma is JUST what the Dr. ordered.......no really his name is on the label. LOL  Gnight.

TugmeLOct 17, 2009

Hi, Thanks so much you for the lovely comment!! \:wub\: I am glad you enjoy it!! Have a fabulous day. \:\)

hatshepsutOct 17, 2009

Hi there!  Being able to add a background to a minisite is for FAs only I'm afraid.  There's some nice colours to choose from though and if you manage to save enough kudos for a banner that can make a big difference!\:cool\:

irene_busyOct 16, 2009

Hy! Thanks for commenting on my 'Fish' screenshot \:\). Happy simming \:\)

QubeDesignOct 16, 2009

Hi!  Thank you for your nice comments on my lot, 'Craigleigh Rock'.  I'm very glad you like it!

IllandryaOct 15, 2009

Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment on my screenshot "A Vegetarian's Nightmare" ... meat on a plant would even make me cringe I think, and I'm not a vegetarian!

caridinaOct 15, 2009

Hi! Yes I think that could help. I gonna look after the yellow fish next time I am playing Sunset Valley. Thank you \:D

fredbrennyOct 15, 2009

Great! You are reading Fred in Yonderland! It's the first series. Valley of Dreams is the second series! I hope you will enjoy! Thanks for reading and commenting!

caridinaOct 15, 2009

Hello! Thanks for your sweet comment on my gnomes \:D

ShinoKCROct 15, 2009

No Sweetie! you didn't offend me at all. We have a different opinion - but we can still be friends \:\) Huggles Renate

libertyOct 15, 2009

Hi thank you for your comment on my Colony Cemetry I'm glad you like it. Greets Mike

Queenie1988Oct 15, 2009

Awww, thank you sooo much! \:wub\:

XnightKnightXOct 15, 2009

my pleasure...thanks for signing my guest book.

yuupinkyOct 15, 2009

hello again~I am glad to see your message^_^ I really like your work +0+ make an extra effort! I support you~~~o(∩_∩\;\)o

hiedibear75Oct 14, 2009

Well if it is going to be a 1 time story where you won't be needing to have multiple chapters then just pick something that you'd like to do.  The main things I'd say are key: pictures really help you tell the story by setting the stage (making the background mach & look as realistic will help the story), if it is a story that will have chapters then you'll want to develop characters & a story-line that you can feel comfortable writing (keeping notes so you remember what is going on is good & having a hood dedicated to your story is good so that you will have more control), some write their's out from a 3rd person narative while others wright theirs in the 1st person as if they were the main character......I chose to do my in PLAY type of format because that was what I had written in High School the most & so I was most comfortable in setting up my stories that way.  There are almost always more than 1 way to do things.....& story writing is no different. \;\)

ShinoKCROct 14, 2009

Hi! First of all thank you for your GB Input with "Happy Haloween". As a Christian I dont celebrate that \:\) Glad you liked the Art Deco Dining \:wub\: Thank you for your feedback \:\) Huggles Renate

alolengOct 14, 2009

Hi DragonQueen, thanks for commenting on my screenshot, it's nice to know you liked it. Keep on Simming girl.

spitzmagicOct 14, 2009

LOL hey ya Dragon Queen LOL thanks for commenting on my screenies. Once a long time age when my kids were like 6 and 8 years old. We went to a park. The path forked off. I said "gee I wonder where that goes?" It's a park for crying out loud. Surely it just wound back around right..well Noooooo. We got lost in the stupid park LOL. Never again (well at least not with children) do I go down an unknown path or road for that matter...ROFL....\:D

Queenie1988Oct 13, 2009

You're welcome \:D And thank you for commenting \;\)

TugmeLOct 13, 2009

Hi, Thanks for the congratulations! \:wub\: I am very happy.. I wish you success!! -Meltem-

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