Enhlee (1619896)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (14 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

90, Haistens - unfurnished
Published Jun 5, 2007
About Me
Hi! My name is Helene. I'm engaged to a wonderful man with whom I've been living for nearly 5 years.
I'm back online after being absent for a few years. Now I discovered the Sims and so I spend some of my free time building lots and sharing them online for download... in hope you like them of course! I'm spending time also for downloading wonderful stuff you all build which help me build my lots and decorating them. And I spend the last part of free time to go fishing; the best way for me to relax after a long stressing week of work.
Happy simming!!!
My Guestbook Show All
suzanne70Aug 15, 2013
Hi, just wanted to say that your lots are amazing and creative
tillynatNov 09, 2008
hi tillynat here thankyou thankyou thankyou
tillynatOct 25, 2008
hi i absolutley loved your uploads and was wondering what was the cheat for making objects go diagonal could you please tell me id be forever greatful
from tillynat