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Illandrya's Guestbook

mutskeDec 25, 2012

I just simply wanna say... Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.... to you and all your loved ones \:wub\:

fabrizioammolloDec 24, 2012

Hello Illandrya! I wish you joy, happiness, peace and prosperity but above all this I wish you love for Christmas and all the New Year. F.

maxi kingFeb 27, 2012

Hi my friend!How are you?I'm not much here anymore but I visit your story page often,just to see if you done anything,I think often about you and hope you doing ok!Hugs Irmtraut

DOTApr 24, 2011

~ O ~Happy Easter ~ O ~ 

maxi kingMar 25, 2011

\:DThank you for letting me know!I had to read it again!I love that story so much!Say,didn't you had more pictures in it?Well it dosn't matter anyway!I hope you will write soon again but I also can understand that you like to do pictures with your new camera!I would like to as well but I have to wait for the plants to get green,it looks so much better then!Anyway I wish you a wonerful weekend!TC hugs Irmtraut\:wub\:

maxi kingMar 23, 2011

\:wub\:Hi my friend!I was looking for a story,I thought it was from you but you don't have any here anymore!It was about a red haired girl,who had to move because of what she knew,she found her love but had to leave him behind.The end was sweet because they got together.I love that one but can't find it anymore,do you know it,is it yours?\;\)Have a nice day!Tc Irmtraut\:wub\:

maxi kingMar 19, 2011

\;\)it wasn't so bad,just thought I let you know!I wish we would have such nice places near!I will go to our see in summer but it will take me 2 or 3 hours to get there and it isn't as nice as in warmer places!Next month I want to go to a butterflyfarm near my place and I hope to take nice picture there!\;\)Anyway have a wonderful weekend!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

maxi kingMar 15, 2011

\:wub\:Hi there!I wanted to comment your new picture but I didn't had any of them there\:oWell,I think they are great!And it is hard to get some pictures like that,I know it from doing the same sort!Is that Spider dangerous?Do you upload them at flickr?Anyway have a wonderful day!Hugs Irmtraut\:wub\:

RatRaceRobFeb 25, 2011

Greetings to you, Illandrya, and thank you for the kindness on Welcome to the Childhood ... it only took nearly two months to post, but I'm glad you caught it when it finally did.  Both the Simanski brothers in Eve's office at the same time will be interesting, you're not wrong there... and as for Windy, well.  That little hopeless romantic would roll up the next few 'Hood scripts and spank me with it if she could catch me.  Thank you so very much again, and as I've neglected my series reading right along with my series writing...  I hope to catch up with yours very soon \:D \:wub\:

flody888Feb 12, 2011

sounds great! I can't wait! \:D

flody888Feb 5, 2011

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that you're unwell and unmotivated. \:\( You've been on such a great wave of energy! Maybe your body and mind are just taking a break? Good luck with the reworking. I don't remember if I read that one but if it's like any of your other sim stories, I'm sure it would make a good basis for a short story! \:\) Also, maybe that's what you need is to revisit the foundation of your novel! Smart cookie! \;\) Lots of good energy to you!!! \:wub\: P.S. I finally figured out how to comment on your blog!! So I'll try to comment there instead of here. \:D (I'm really so very slow at picking up techy things. Even the lo-tech!)

flody888Jan 29, 2011

You should definitely try that! \:\) Your Storm-Chase clan is so full of rich characterisation and history that it only makes sense to use it! I just read that Evelyn Waugh wrote a first novel, burned it (because of harsh criticism), and then used the characters and plot from that first novel as a back history of another novel. Cool, how everything is useful! Have a productive week!! \:\)

flody888Jan 27, 2011

I can't wait for the family dinner either! I'm just dying to find out what's happening!!! And I'm so glad the story is meatier for you than you originally thought. Itmakes it much more interesting for all of us then! \:D

flody888Jan 25, 2011

What a cliffhanger! (Again!!! \:D) I didn't see that coming even though you hinted at it from the start. I totally thought Morgan would know what was happening but he doesn't either? Curious!!! I can't wait to read what happens next! (Again!!!) Great job, Judi!

flody888Jan 14, 2011

A great speech! I think the term 'everyday heroes' definitely applies to your area. \:wub\: Or maybe that should be 'heroes everyday' because you're in it for the long haul! Some good news: no chance for any freak snowstorms in the area! \:D (God, I hope they don't show up just as I say that!!!!! It's supposed to be a joke!)

flody888Jan 14, 2011

I've always dreamed of living somewhere warm but now... \:eek\: I think you and your lot are extremely brave and hardy beings! \:wub\: And even though I'm not the praying type, I totally think that praying works! (Just not the way we may think they do) Oh and that picture is just incredible and ROTFL!!!! \:D Put a hockey stick in one hand and one of those furry hats with earflaps on its head and it would be good for the blizzard-ridden!!!

flody888Jan 13, 2011

Omg! Cyclones on top of everything else?!? \:eek\: I'm really not the praying type but I will definitely say some prayers for you and yours! Take good care of yourself! (I'd pm this but my pm links disappeared!)

flody888Jan 13, 2011

Hi Judi! I'm so glad you're all right! Your area is on the news every night! \:eek\: Please take care and all the best!!! \:wub\:

flody888Jan 8, 2011

Oooh! I can't wait to hear what Morgan says!!!! \:D Very nice chappie about the private moments of each family member. Which means something big happens next! \;\) Ugh! Cliffhangers! I really love and hate them! \:P And I absolutely know you'll meet your writing targets! You're totally in the groove! \:rah\:

flody888Jan 8, 2011

Waaaah! \:\( J/K. \:\) I totally know we readers have been spoiled! \:D Your new schedule is more in line with most stories (and probably more reasonable for you too! \:D) I hope you don't regret the time and effort that went into writing your blogs though! I think you've done some amazing writing and I'm sure that will help with your novel! \:rah\: At the very least, you have created an addiction and some customers who are ready to buy your book when it comes out! \;\)

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