Kilhian (2707861)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (11 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Terwa shirt for male adults
Published Nov 9, 2012
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Thank you for your comments, I really appreciate them! I still have a lot to learn and I will try my best to improve
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I have been getting comments lately about images missing on most of my Sims 1 creations. I have tried to report the problem to TSR but it's not been addressed. In the meanwhile, you can see the pictures here:
I will finish uploading all soon. Keep in mind that the download links will only send you back here, but at least you will see what the items look like
My Latest Updates Show All
Happy Holidays!!Written Dec 23, 2011
Merry Christmas everyone, have a wonderful time with your family and friends! My best wishes for this new year coming, may it bring you all happiness, good health and creativity! Have a great time!! - Kilhian ...More
I am still aroundWritten Nov 28, 2011
I haven't posted any new download in a couple of weeks now, but I have been quite busy in my life and I also am trying to learn to make items with my own meshes. I might work on that part for a while until I can make something good enough to post and share with the community. If anyone wants to contact me, you can do so on either my facebook page or my blog:... ...More
Halloween! Written Oct 11, 2011
I guess I stay a kid at heart. Even though sadly in France we rarely celebrate it, I still like this day and have some good memories. I have started to create a bit for Halloween, a couple of clothes and paintings mainly, though I like how my table turned out. I want to try to create for the Sims 3 soon, we will see how this go. I have many projects, most of them above my... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
AngelaApr 01, 2013
Hey, Thank you so much for your comment! Happy Easter!
enchanting58Dec 25, 2012
I wish you and your family a happy and peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year 2013
many hugs and kisses
wickedlisa79Dec 06, 2012
You have great creations!!! Thanks