Meemo (1359133)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (123 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Afro Ken Clothing Set 1
Published May 16, 2007
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About Me
I am a long time player of the Sims after buying it for my daughter many moons ago when she was a little egg (she's now 25). I used to hang out at Bob Newbies Tradin' Post at Mall of the Sims where I discovered the wonderful world of custom content for the original Sims - my first downloads were an orange bathroom set and a zebra print sofa! I dabbled with making my own content and just about got to the stage where I could UV map a texture very badly.... that was a good 6 years ago now and I've forgotten how to do it all!!
I never bought the Sims 3, but have bought Sims 4 and am looking forward to learning how to cc all over again.
My Latest Updates Show All
SimalongameemoWritten Jun 06, 2009
read my blog at ...More
CharmedWritten Jul 26, 2007
I've gone back to my Charmed neigborhood mainly due to ChazDesigns' fab set of sisters and a Piper Halliwell career at mts2 - I've decided to have a go at career making and I've got a very promising outline of a Paige Matthews career! Shame there's nowhere on TSR to post careers... maybe there will be by the time I finish it!!! ...More
Men!!!Written May 09, 2007
I haven't made a single thing since hubby got out of hospital as I've been devoting my simming time to doing the challenges. This is because I can do it with the laptop on my knee while watching TV whereas if I'm creating I do it at the dining room table in peace and quiet - unfortunately this would mean leaving the "invalid" unattended which he doesn't like and involves him going "Meeeeemoooo... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
gameliaJun 28, 2009
Hi Meemo! Thanks for commenting on my Gnome Basil story. So where can I find episodes of Strangerhood? Where are your stories? Please point me in the right direction. I tried searching but nothing turned up. -gamelia
hyprekiaApr 03, 2009
Hey. I wanna thank you for all the great comments on my Harry Potter screenshots. It took me a long time to give you feedback on this,for this I appologise.
AlyoshaJan 01, 2009
Hiya! Happy New Year! Just wanted to let you know that after 1.5 years, the FIFTH PART of THE BLACK STATUE is already published! Hahaha... Hope ya still read it, and I hope you won't be disappointed! Sorry for the VERY VERY VEEEEERRRYYYY LONG delay!
Thanks again, Alyosha