Phathum6900 (2395573)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (36 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

La Paradise **Requested By...
Published Aug 30, 2011
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (3 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Paradise Heights 2
Published Feb 3, 2009
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
Hey, my name is Rose and my husband is Chris. We share this account because we both love to create and we figured, why have 2 different accounts when we can just share right? So some of what is submitted will be his and some will be mine. We will put either my name or his in the description so you know which of us made the creation. We hope you all enjoy our creations. Happy Simming Everyone!!
My Latest Updates Show All
My Latest SimsWritten Jan 27, 2010
My last 3 sims have all been subscriber only, so I've decided that I'm going to re-make them so that everyone will be able to download them. So I will work on them today and hopefully get them submitted today too. We'll see how things turn out. :) Thanks for downloading my sims and lots. Happy Simming everyone!! <3 ...More
Problem Solved...I think! LOLWritten Jan 20, 2010
So I think I've managed to find the problem with my latest house. So hopefully it will be submitted today and published in a few days! Let's hope this works now! lol ...More
Issue with New House...Written Jan 19, 2010
So my house is finished and exported, but when I go to submit it on here, it says there is some sort of TSRAA No error...and I don't understand why it wont let me submit it...if anyone who reads this knows what's going on with my house, please send me a message and let me know. Thanks :-) ...More
My Guestbook Show All
ekinegeSep 13, 2012
Hi! Thank you so much for your lovely comment on the "Beachwear 1 - Set66". And thank you for your lovely compliment in my guestbook. Have a great day.
gurlsrule45Aug 05, 2011
oh well ty and im gonna correct myself congratz on ur second daughter and thats fine but i dont have a face book but ty for the offer and it doesnt matter how long it takes take ur time and ty for using ur time to actualy make a custom house for me thats awesome
lilliebouAug 05, 2011
Hello ! Thank you so much for your fantastic guestbook entry, it made my day I'm really glad you like my houses ! I wish you a good weekend !