Tenderhrt (437356)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (17 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Akademiks Set
Published Oct 6, 2008
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
Tenderhrt Designs
I'm a 31 year old first time mom, I love the Sims and I love to write. You will see my stories on the exchange, TSR and on my writing site. My stories include Torn parts 1-4, Double Life Parts 1-4, Mom Is Her Name and Love Is Blind which is not featured on the exchange or TSR but is featured on my writing site. Come by anytime to check them out... http://www.sandra31.webs.com and my design site
With a lot of persuasion and lots of work. I have opened my own forum, Sims Spotlight - Where Everyone is a Star! I have an outstanding team backing me and hoping get to a bunch of great people to Join.
What can you do at this forum you ask?
There are FUN games, great contests, great stories and great people! There is unity, fun, drama free. Our motto is have FUN, leave the politics at the door. We just want to enjoy the game, enjoy the people and of course enjoy the fun!
What do you have to lose? Come on in and sign up. You don't have to leave your current forum, you will just have another one to also call home!
Hope to see you there.
I love TSR and I've met some really amazing people here. Stop by anytime to see was going on.
Hope everyone have a safe and enjoyable day....
My Guestbook Show All
tanniewMay 23, 2013
I am chomping at the bit for Torn 4! lol. Excellent story so far. Ill rate them when Im done reading.
NewtlcoOct 24, 2008
Hi! Thanks for your comment
bellamoon2665Oct 12, 2008
Love your Obama support shirts is it possible that you can create support Mccain. Thank you in advance and thanks for sharing your wonderful stories and creations with us