ViolettSeptember (2988916)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (3 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

The Temptation
Published Feb 11, 2010
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About Me
at first i want to say sorry for my bad english i am from germany but i will try to write good so that you can understand it. I like to make clothes and Make-up for Sims. and i very like to play The sims. Maybe i'll buy me The sims 3. I'm very glad when u comment my clothes and screenshoots and i am very happy when u download my Stuff. My name is Marie and i'm 14 years old. My hobbies are drawing,reading and playing the sims. My favourite animals are cats, and dogs. I'll hope that u have a nice day! Greetz
My Latest Updates Show All
Thanks for (...)Written Apr 08, 2010
Hii!^_____^ I want to say thank you for all the thanks,downloads and comments on my creations and screenshots! Good Bye! :D ...More
My first blog post, I need Kudos:DWritten Mar 14, 2010
Hey, this is my first blog entry and at first I want to say that my English is not the best, sorry! I want to ask you: Can you help me with the Kudos? Can you bookamrk me or make a guestbook entry ot something like it would be so nice from you guys! Hugs and Kisses Violett September <3 ...More
My Guestbook Show All
da_sweet_alexNov 10, 2011
Hey wie geht es dir?kannst du dich noch an mich erinnern ?ich wollte nur mal sagen, das in den nächsten tagen vier neue outfits hier hochgeladen werden von mir, hab nach über nem jahr mal wieder ein paar outfits kreiert also kannst ja die tage dann mal bei meinen downloads reinschauen und mir dann sagen was du so davon hälst
lg Alex <3
QuengelAug 08, 2011
Hallo Klar wei� ich noch wer du bist Nur bin ich jetzt allerdings alle paar Wochen nur mal kurz hier. W�nsche dir also sch�ne Wochen LOL
simsjeanieDec 21, 2010
Hi Violett, just dropping in to wish you
a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Have a
great time and may all your wishes come true! Hugs from
Jeanie, leaving some x-mas cookies at your doorsteps ... for you and for Santa