Simmiller (2431328)
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Warm Plant Series Paintings
Published May 30, 2011
About Me
Terms of Use
-Please understand that my work is not to be uploaded elsewhere as your own content (in other words, don't steal other creators' hard work!), nor placed behind a paywall, but I'm happy to see it hosted on other sites with links back to my original posts.
-You may recolour any of my meshes, but please do not include those meshes. Rather, link back to my original post.
-If you use my textures for your own creations, such as in recolours or makeup, for example, please link back to my original post where you found them, or to the source image if it's not an original by me.
My Guestbook Show All
GlitterberryflyMar 24, 2023
Thank you so much!
aliNov 07, 2022
Thank you so much for the comment
Moniamay72Sep 22, 2022
Hello Simmiller ♥Thank you for such a lovely comment♥♥♥ Kisses and hugs♥