brinneydee (840368)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (189 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Fall 2008 Collection by brinneydee
Published Oct 8, 2008
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About Me
Hey y'all! I'm a 26-year-old wife and mother from Southeast Missouri. I have been playing The Sims for years and have in the last couple of years began making my own custom creations. I'm not as good as some people, but I enjoy my creations in game and hope other people will, too!
Sadly, lack of time has forced me to stop making new creations for The Sims. I have two very active little girls and need to spend all my time and efforts and them. If anything changes, maybe someday I'll come back to the Simmiverse! If not, catch me on MySpace: PEACE OUT!
Thank you to all of you who have given me such nice ratings! Please download and leave feedback for me!
My Guestbook Show All
ErinL14Jul 25, 2009
hi brinneydee ive just turned 14 and i was looking for hsm stuff and i found your t-shirts (the'er minted) thats how you say they realy good when you come from manchester but most of the ones with troy have gabrielle :'( would you or would you tell me how to do my own t-shirts with troy on without gabi!
By the way keep up the good work and Keep SIMING!!!!
charrayOct 18, 2008
Thanks for sharing your lovely creations Great job
Fly-n-Girl926Oct 17, 2008
Thank you for the Fall collection!