gatomurphy (505468)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (638 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Summer Daisy Swimsuit
Published Apr 29, 2008
About Me
sFirst I would like to THANK EVERYONE who has voted for one of my creations since I rarely know who you are to thank you individually.****************
I've been playing Sims and creating things for myself since Sims 1 came out. I have my nephew Jake to thank for introducing me to the Sims. It was the only game he could think of where I didn't have to fight any battles or kill any monsters! lol**********
Several years ago I had to retire from a job I loved for almost 15 years, because of the chronic illnesses of Reumatoid Artheritis & Fibromyalgia, so many days I can "Sim" all day! Even on bad days my Sims can make me laugh.**********
I started creating things for the Sims slowly, beginning with wallpapers and moving along. My next goal is to learn how to actually work with a mesh program like Milkshape. I love creating and find myself making things for the game more than playing the game.**********
Thank you to everyone who has downloaded my items. A lot of thought and work goes into each of them, and I am so grateful when someone else chooses to use them in their game.
My Latest Updates Show All
Fingernail Files Show Up In the Glasses Section of CAF/CASWritten Jul 06, 2007
Hi folks, I neglected to mention in my downloads where you will find your new fingernails for your Sims once you install them. They will be located in your CAS/CAF (Create a Sim/Create a Family)area in Bodyshop . I believe it's in the second part of area 4 (the makeup area) under the glasses selection . Also, please remember that you must get the fingernails mesh at Sims 4 Rent.... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
matomibotakiApr 10, 2015
Took a long time to answer your lovely comments and I am very sorry for that delay, but still very busy and real life take all my attention. So thank you very much for your kind comments on my creations, hope you do not blame me that I can not answer all of your comments individually, because I have not enough time to do it at the moment, but I am very grateful and happy to read them.Wish you a great weekend
D2DiamondApr 09, 2015
Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my Gardenia Old Paint Pattern. I really appreciate it.
SintikliaSimsMar 22, 2014
Thanks for commenting stuff! Wish you to have wonderful weekends!