
259Creations 3,872,827Downloads

janna's Guestbook

skelley62Dec 25, 2004

I have always appreciated your creations, and now I Love your new objects, thanks for making the game more fun.\:rah\:

oldmember_OceanayoDec 24, 2004

Hi Janna!\:D All your creations are fantastic!Im loving your sets and your clothing range is brillant\:D.I think you will do really well as a clothes desingner.I want to start my own clothing range soon so cheack it out.That goes to everyone. Concrates on becoming featured artist. \:D \:rah\:

cat wisherDec 23, 2004

i only download your hair \:P its so realistic!\:rah\:

BetterbeSimDec 23, 2004

Great new set, the Romance Aspiration Teenset. Very detailed work, as usual. \:\)

dgandyDec 23, 2004

\:D All your creations are great but,you really have a talent with hair. Looks so realistic. Keep making more.\:rah\: Debra

CrmelSimLoverDec 23, 2004

Janna, you never cease to amaze me. Beautiful as usual. I'm so looking forward to the creations in your preview pics. I'm especially happy that you are doing men's hair, too! \:rah\: \:wub\:

jeycaDec 23, 2004

I LOVE your hair! My sims would be so boring without it. Thank you for sharing your talent with us; and congrats on becoming a featured artist...you truly deserve it!\:rah\: \:\)

oldmember_BettyBoopGyalDec 22, 2004

\:D Thanks so much and Merry Christmas!!! keep on doing hair!!!!!!!\:rah\:

oldmember_JozyDec 22, 2004

You are the only reason I come to The Sims Resource in the morning! To see if you've updated with any new hairstyles - and you haven't disappointed me once. It seems as though you're always improving as well, although I guess my favourite hairdo would be the Hollywood glamour styles (I can't remember the name) - cover girl something I think: TRULY AMAZING! Merry Christmas!\:D

oldmember_BettyBoopGyalDec 22, 2004

I love you hair styles !!!!!!\:P Keep it UP!!!!\:D

oldmember_PetuniaDec 21, 2004

Janna you are in a class by yourself. Nobody can make hair like you do. You set the standard. Even the original Maxis hair doesn't even come close. Being able to use the beautiful hair you design makes it 100 times more fun to play the game. You have an incredible talent. We've all been able to make hair since the game came out but nobody has mastered it like you have. I've tried over and over and I can't even accidently come up with something I like. THANK YOU so much for sharing your gifts with all of us. And thanks to TSR for offering free downloads to those of us unable to subscribe. I also look for your stuff over at the exchange. It's so very kind of you to share your hard work. I can't figure the hair files out in TS2. I can't tell which is the front, back, top or side of the hair so when I make hair it looks like a checkerboard!\:o \:D

eirie99Dec 21, 2004

hey hey, I remember reading something earlier about you not wanting to men's hair; I am glad you did tho'. The holiday look you came up with is my Fave for natural hair colors. eirie99

mrsj22Dec 20, 2004

Your work is fabulous. You are truly talented. Keep it up.\:\)

marmitesoxDec 19, 2004

\:o you're stupidly good at making stuff. lol, if that makes sense. but anyway. I love all of your hair and the ones on the screenshot look REALLY good too =D *winknudge* Keep up the awesome work! (Or my sims might die from lack of variety) ...(And I'll give you cookies)

TrashDec 18, 2004

thanks you for your comment! i love your hairstyles and your clothes and ..all! your 20's hair styles ...so cool \:\)

crazysoul80Dec 18, 2004

Your hairstyles are totally amazing! You're one of the few artists here that I really, really love when it comes to hairstyles. You're simply one of the very best\:\) I've been enjoying your hairstyles from spiffy sims and I'm hoping to get more because I just keep enjoying more and more of it. I can't get enough of it!\:\) Keep up the good work!\:D

NeptuneSuzyDec 18, 2004

Thanks so much for the compliment! I really appreciate it and I'm glad you're enjoying the medieval outfits. Your hair is terrific! And CONGRATULATIONS\:D on featured artist!!!!!!!! You deserve it!!!! Thanks again - Suzy

oldmember_FruityBabeDec 17, 2004

Hey!! U r a gr8 artist but could you do some gr8 hair for me that i dont have 2 b on subscription 4 coz im only 13 and mi mum wont let me get a subscription!! Plz all mi sims have hair dat doesnt look real!! lol!! \:D \:P \:D \:\) \:D \:\) ELLIE \:\) \:D \:\) \:D \:P \:D

bookworm1Dec 17, 2004

I love your hair!!!!\:D I download every upload of hair you put on the site. Most of my women have your hairstyles. Please keep up the great work.

SkellySpadesDec 17, 2004

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