lmc69101 (1516613)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (92 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

lmc Red Flower Bedroom Set
Published Dec 8, 2010
About Me
My name is Lena and I am married to a wonderful man and have two boys. I had been playing Sims 1 for what seems like forever until this year my family got me Sims 2. I can't say I am completely hooked on Sims 2 yet but I do like the better graphics. I liked the simplicity of Sims 1 as I did a lot of recolors for personal use as well as wallpapers for Sims 1. I had more fun creating and recoloring than actually playing Sims 1. Right now I am creating walls for Sims 2 but this time I am going to try my hand at submitting them here. I have always came to TSR for most of my downloads so I feel it's about time I start giving back.
I just wanted to thank everyone who stops by to view my creations I also want to thank 71Robert13 for all his help in getting me set in the right directions so I could start submitting my walls etc
My Latest Updates Show All
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone :)Written Nov 23, 2010
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving :) I probably won't be submitting much this week as I have a lot to do around the house etc...to get ready for Thanksgiving :) Have a great week and thanks for stopping by :) ...More
My Guestbook Show All
hatshepsutMar 17, 2012
Thank you for the nice comments on my Perspective Floors, I'm glad you like them (and sorry for the late reply!)
original-titleDec 31, 2011
Hello Just wanted to say that I really enjoy your wallpaper designs and they look fantastic in my Sim homes. Thankyou
hatshepsutJul 27, 2011
Thank you for commenting on my scalloped roofs, I'm glad you enjoy using them