nicwear (1022423)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (156 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

CelebWear - Halle Berry
Published Jan 18, 2007
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
I've been skinning for almost 2 years now. I've come a long way since those early days but I still have a long ways to go. I'm mostly just a dabbler when it comes to skinning. I admittedly get bored with it from time to time. When that happens I just take a break and go work on a new project until my interest in the game and making content gets reignited. I've never had much of an interest in meshing or object creation so I guess I'll just stick to making clothes. Thank you to all of you who leave lovely comments for me. I love to read them and truly appreciate you kindness.
My Latest Updates Show All
Away IndefinitelyWritten Jan 19, 2007
I won't be uploading for an indefinite length of time. I have a lot of projects going on at the moment. I'm also caught in a moral dilemma about being involved with a pay site. I need to sort out what side of that issue I wish to stand. In the meantime I'll be hanging out at Simmy Side Up and InSim so I'll see ya around. If pigs fly you may even see the rebirth of lol... ...More
Yet more formalsWritten Jan 09, 2007
I'll be uploading a new set of formals in a few days. I may also make some intimates since I haven't posted any of those yet. Have to have something to wear under all these formals right? lol ;) Here's a sneak peek at the dresses: I won't be making these for teens though. I think they are a bit too sophisticated for them. They'll show up for college age though. Anyway,... ...More
I'm Back!Written Jan 06, 2007
And I'm ready to get to work on some new clothing. I've just finished a set of formals that turned out great so I'll be posting those later today. Here's a sneak peek: Love that color. I'm in a "formals" sort of mood for some reason, perhaps its all the awards show and prom talk, so expect to see several formal sets from me over the next week or two. I'm also going to... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
charrayJun 02, 2009
Just wanted to say I love your creations You did a wonderful job. Thanks for sharing them
rubytuesday2003Jan 17, 2008
Hiya Nickers, how are you? Miss ya!!
sharon21075May 17, 2007
Your Festival Formals are quite beautiful.