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paramiti's Guestbook

francienFeb 12, 2010

Ah don't worrie about me everything is fine..last week I had to go to another city with my car, in the early morning I drove away while the snow was falling fast. The road was just like a icetrack and I couldn't manage my car in one moment instead of straight away on the road he was moving to the right where the dyke was ending.I was happy I could stop my car and after looking at the outside I saw the frontwheels hanging over the dyke I was very lucky that I get him stopped because beneath of the dyke is a large and deep creek falling into that I don't know if I could came out of it..with the help of fellow cardrivers whe get the car back on the road so I could continue with my trip..shaking a little of the fear what happend a few moments before.\:\( But I'm alright and know when the weather is that bad I will not step into my car haha..ah thank you for asking but really it can happen to anyone.Give your hubby my warmest greetings and my believe that everything will be alright soon stay possitive and fight back!! big hugs Francien\:wub\:

francienFeb 12, 2010

Hi there dear Paramiti, so glad you explaned what is going on, I was wondering myself what happend and if everything was I know it's not and I'm so sorry to read the whole stupid thing\:eek\: . I don't understand the people who making troubles to you and your hubby. I only can hope that the end is near for the both of you so you can live your life together!:wub\:ofcourse your head is not standing to sims or anything else your mind is probably filled with worries, wish I could help you out of it. A rough time but maybe, atleast most of the time something positive come out afterwards.\:\) Ofcourse you still can make your creations, you will see when you start over you know what to do!! I will be very happy when I see you have new items not for me but to see that everything is going fine! Thank you for telling me and let me send you and your husband lots of love~ strenght to fight through and positive vibes! Big hugs Francien\:wub\: \:wub\:

lreveles18Feb 11, 2010

Hi there my friend! It's been a long time. Happy to see you. Sorry to hear about your problems. I is so sad that people and governments (here, in XXI century) still think common citizens are terrorists just because they are from some countries or practice different religions. I really hope you and your husband can solve all that problems. I did sent you a private message, but I was sure I didn´t do it properly... :-) So, i´ll send it again. I don't have a facebook account but you can write to: [email protected]  The first letter is an "L", not a capital "i"

katalinaFeb 11, 2010

Welcome back!! ((Hugs)) Glad you are ok and getting ready to create again. You have been missed that is for sure. Hope to hear from you soon \:wub\:

djehmliFeb 9, 2010

Heya paramiti, glad to see you are back.  Fluffy is being lazy and enjoying life.  Myself, I am looking forward to spring and going through lots of garden catalogs.  Stopped creating while stuff was being fixed but back and working hard.  Missed you and your wonderful personality.  Take care and stay safe!

dltn43Feb 9, 2010

Hey Paramiti!  Wow what a nice surprise!  \:\)  I was about to continue playing my game when I saw the new GB enrty and had to see who it was.  I was getting really concerned about you.  I am so glad that you are ok.  \:\)   I am glad that you are back!  \:\)  You areback right?  It has been a bit of a burden having to hold down the fort without you!!  \:D   Now we call all be blessed with your wonderful paintings and your quick wit!  \:\) I love both just not sure which I love the best though.  \:D  Probably the wit because that is what turn out the wonderful creations.  \:\)  \:wub\:  I wasn't able to finish some Christmas ones either and as you said they can be used this holiday.  It is so far away though.  It gets cold and rainy here in Atlanta and sometimes snows.  I don't care for the rain either but as long as it doesn't flood us out it can rain all it wants I suppose.  I am orginally from Chicago where as you probably know that it snows bunches there.  I loved playing in the snow too, building snowmen/women, snow ball fights, sledding, snowmobiling and making snow angels.  I was the same way when it comes to ice skating, holding on to the rails (for dear life).  LOL  I love Tennesee and the Smokey Mountians.  It is so Beautiful there!  On another note, I lost my job on the 29th and became relly depressed because of it.  Doing so much better now though.  Just need another job soon so I can get back into some sort of routine and the usual of paying the bills that don't seem to go away.  So now that your back........I will be looking out for more of your wonderful creations!   YEAH!!!  Take care hon!  Will talk to you later!  Love Ya!  \:\)  \:wub\:  Diana

CyclonesueFeb 5, 2010

Haven't heard from you in ages so I thought I'd stop by and say 'hi'.  Hope all is well with you.  Hugs \:wub\: Sue

djehmliFeb 2, 2010

Paramiti, it has been too quiet!  I hope you and your animals are happy and healthy.  Miss your lively conversations and creations! <hugs>

francienJan 25, 2010

Dear Paramiti hope you are fine!! \:wub\:

dltn43Jan 14, 2010

Hi Para,  Haven't seen you around in awhile and I hope that you are doing good!  \:\)   Love Ya!  \:\)   \:wub\:   Diana

lreveles18Jan 11, 2010

I wrote a PM to you, but I'm not sure I did it properly :-) so...when you're back, tell me. I hope you're having a good time.

writtenSongJan 1, 2010

Hey! Thank you very much! I wisch you a happy new year! Hope you had a great party \;\)

francienJan 1, 2010

Dear Paramiti, I wish you a very happy New Year hope it will be filled with many goods~joy and laughter and lots of love! Thank you for your friendship, and your always supported reply's it's one of the things wich makes my life much more happier..have a great newyearsday! Hugs, Francien \:wub\:

Lynx251Dec 29, 2009

yeah I am on Facebook \:\) If you have MSN, post it on my Guestbook so i can tell you over that instead of telling your whole Guestbook :P   I sometimes play Sims 2, but I am currently doing a story on SIms 3 which I publish the photos onto the Facebook, as a little project. It's great fun, and it's more for me than those who i know \:P It's a LOT easier than waiting for a single photo to upload to the Sims 3 ea website :P

valrisenDec 29, 2009

Thank you for the holiday wishes!  I hope yours was wonderful as well. \:wub\:

Lynx251Dec 29, 2009

I have seen your comments in loads of like.... objects and stuff and thought I'd say Hello!!

lreveles18Dec 28, 2009

Hi there! How have you been? I hope Santa Claus had brought all those presents for you. I would like to have a wacom too!!! :-) but I really don't know much about that version of Corel. What can you do with it? I work with a combination of  a previous version of Corel an Photoshop, of course. There's a lot for me to learn about the latter, although, but it seems it gets better with each sims stuff I make.  About the expansion and packages, I preferred not to download any of them. I don't think I'll like the expansion. I prefer less active sims. :-D Experience and some posts I read told me better wait some time for the patches :-) . What a pity the Sims game is causing trouble to you and all the other people, I hope they find a way to solve that problems soon. Family is fine. I finally managed to make a couple of crafted lamps, and a couple of recycled paper baskets with the help of my handy husband. They all liked them a lot. My daughter wanted an icy pop thing to make ice cream and some make up! Could you belive that? She's almost 4 years old. :-) I hope you'll be fine. Happy new year for you and your family. Hope to hear from you, and as I always say... enjoy

MySteRY-GirLDec 26, 2009

Merry Meet! im doing good r u? 1st of all, let me say merry xmas (i knw itz a bit late,been a busy week), & may ur new year b a HAPPY one miss Paramiti! well,the answer 2 ur GR8 question LoL. I do celebrate xmas with my family,coz their all Christianz, & 2 keep them happy, i have 2 raise my daugter 2 believe in father xmas till she`z bout 10 yearz old.frm ther on she may believe wht she wana believe celebration waz the 21st of december, called Yule (northern hemisphere), but technically,we actually celebrated Litha ere in the southern hemisphere,the Christianz callz it a "pre-runner" 4 xmas,but thtz not wht it is. we celebrate the Winter & Summer Solstices, & the Spring & Autumn Equinoxes. the festivalz fallz exactly on the day whn a solstice or equinox startz. & i dont believe in father old fat man frm the north pole coming thru the chimney 2 drink our milk & eat our cookiez,nah,not my type of fairy tale haha! if they said a fairy frm wonderland bringz us giftz of joy,love & happiness,thn i might hav believed in it LoL. BlesSeD Be!

GalloandreDec 25, 2009

Hello, and thank you for the greeting! I wish the same thing for you, too! I'm sorry for just responding. My computer was in the shop, and I just got it back yesterday! \:\)

SimSylvia40Dec 25, 2009

Verry Christmas and i wish your a happy new year

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