sweetwilight (3016757)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (7 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Elastic Heart Pose Pack
Published May 3, 2015
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About Me
Been playing The Sims since it was first released, I'm a girl gamer, a slight bookworm, a part time writer, a photographer at some point, an aspiring graphics designer and a friend you can definitely lean on.
Currently experimenting with poses,will be releasing it soon! (hopefully)
SIMBLR: sweetwilightsims.tumblr.com
hearts! :*
My Latest Updates Show All
Will be on hiatus on storytelling. Written Jan 17, 2013
Yup the subject says it all already, I'm just so sad.. I'm forced to go on hiatus because my laptop wont read sims anymore! I tried uninstalling and installing over and over and it haven't open again since. Its just awful, I miss playing sims badly and I miss writing too! Fortunately, I was able to do some shots for Into the Moonlight but only the first half of chapter 1 though,... ...More
NEW STORY UPDATE!Written Dec 02, 2012
So it was you is a story that I really enjoyed playing ang writing, I'm really happy that I was able to finish despite the hectic schedule I have at school. Well sometimes, I do the story first rather than my school work, I'm always excited about updating the story! Also, I'm really glad that the readers enjoyed it as much as I did. As much as I want to upload the main... ...More
Half way doneWritten Sep 13, 2012
Yep, My story (So it was you) will soob be finished, I'm still not sure if I'll make it 20 chapters or less, but I'm super sure it will finish soon. :( I'm done uploading Chapter 10 (finally) didnt have much time lately because I'm busy with school. I am finding time to finish the captions. Do tune in coz' thing will get more exciting! I hope you dont mind my... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
NisukiFeb 19, 2017
.............. WHAT HAVE YOU DONEEEE ! XD well, I actually have no idea if it's possible.. I think you could try to contact Tumblr and if they don't trust it 100% you can tell them you can give all your possible emails, your password and perhaps even older passwords if you have changed it several times. I'm not entirely sure if they allow this, but trying never hurts!
krystalchhakchuakJun 14, 2015
Teacher! Thank you for all those time you guide me. I've changed thus, I deleted all my messages call me Catherine from now on
PrettysgiJun 03, 2015
Hey! Thanks a lot for the comment on my story, I'm glad you like it! Have a nice day ♥♥♥